Alphabet of Infertility
Alphabet of Infertility.
you add up?
The Alphabet of Infertility was an illustrated project that I posted onto my Instagram account during the Covid 19 lockdown. On my March 14, 2020 post I proposed to my community that they participate by thinking of words related to infertility. Each day, through different stories, and following the order of the alphabet, I launched another letter so that whoever wanted could write their own word there.
Later I chose one of these words, the most repeated, or the most representative, or the one that had inspired me the most. With this I created a quick, fresh, sketch-type watercolor that I posted at night, accompanied by an intimate, autobiographical text based on my own experience of my path through infertility.
Every day more people joined the project, contributing their ideas. There were even those who already had in mind words for the following days. It was a wonderful experience that deeply moved those who actively followed it. It created community and empathy; and it also created a network at a time when, as a society, we were confined at home.
The last word of the project was posted on July 6, 2020.